Horizontal press for cheese, Вильнюс
Описание товара
Presses moulds of different sizes on separate guideways
The length allows for putting up to 120 moulds on one section
High pressing quality
Controls varietiesManual controls: the operator sets the pressure and ensures the necessary pressing time.
Automatic controls: a control panel that automatically adjusts the pressure and pressing time.
The main advantage of the automatic controls is in strict compliance with the manufacturing technology. The operator sets the necessary parameters as per pressure and time and the system then controls everything by itself. Thus you will have confidence in every cheese lot you produce.
High pressing qualityThe horizontal press is engineered to keep even pressure at every point of pressure. That provides the same pressure put on every mould and ensures the high quality of chees mass.
PressingCheese pressing in a horizontal press is realized by means of pneumocylinders with a base plate and a series of parallel guideways, installed horizontally at different height levels.
Every section has autonomous controls. For more precision there are pressure gauges for every cylinder level.
The press comes with a tray for collecting whey.
The machine is made of inox steel AISI 304.
The length allows for putting up to 120 moulds on one section
High pressing quality
Controls varietiesManual controls: the operator sets the pressure and ensures the necessary pressing time.
Automatic controls: a control panel that automatically adjusts the pressure and pressing time.
The main advantage of the automatic controls is in strict compliance with the manufacturing technology. The operator sets the necessary parameters as per pressure and time and the system then controls everything by itself. Thus you will have confidence in every cheese lot you produce.
High pressing qualityThe horizontal press is engineered to keep even pressure at every point of pressure. That provides the same pressure put on every mould and ensures the high quality of chees mass.
PressingCheese pressing in a horizontal press is realized by means of pneumocylinders with a base plate and a series of parallel guideways, installed horizontally at different height levels.
Every section has autonomous controls. For more precision there are pressure gauges for every cylinder level.
The press comes with a tray for collecting whey.
The machine is made of inox steel AISI 304.
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