Shredded straw for horse bedding LEADER'S BED, Вильнюс
Описание товара
„Leader's bed" - shredded straw for horse bedding.
There are many types of bedding, which may seem attractive to modern horse breeders, but they have different characteristics. The selection must be based on several factors, such as the impact on horse health, the environment, and most importantly - overseer. The bedding must be prepared from natural products, and therefore measures must be taken to ensure a healthy, comfortable and good living environment for your animals.
„Leader's bed" is highly absorbent bedding product as for horses and for other animals as well. It allows to reduce bedding consumption as well as its cleaning time and quantity of disposal. Since it's dust-free, there is no respiratory challenge also.
Why choose "Leader's bed" bedding material from straw
- HIGH ABSORPTION. The amount of liquid absorbed by shredded straw is 3 to 4 times the amount of its weight. Urine will be absorbed in one small visible area, manure is coated and can be removed easily.
- THERAPEUTIC. As our shredded straw breaks down in the stall, it spreads a therapeutic cushion on the floor providing a soft comfortable bed for sore or tired muscles and joints.
- LESS MUCK. Greatly reduces amount of disposal through less product. Removed bedding decomposes into high-quality fertilizer within 2 to 3 weeks.
- SUPERIOR COMPOST. Our shredded straw is quickly broken down into high-quality humus which can be used as an organic soil additive.
- PURE. Our shredded straw is without addition. They are made from pure agricultural straw. Also, our produced straw is separated from the generated dusts, resulting the dust does not affect the environment and the pet inhalation.
- CONVENIENTLY PACKED. Our shredded straw "Leader's bed" is packed in 800*400*240 mm, 18 kg bags. Providing ease of use and storage. We can also offer different lengths of straw - from 1 to 4 cm, according to your preference. By your request we can pack it into a smaller weight and length.
- ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Our shredded straw is liked by stud farms in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries and other.
- COST-EFFECTIVE. Save over 50% on your animal bedding.
Straw bedding absorbs urine well: 1 kg of bedding can absorb about 6 liters of urine and keep it inside for a long time, and thus the chemical reactions produced due to ammonia in the urine are strongly reduced; less bacteria is excreted resulting in possibility to reduce health ailments due to ammonia or its smell. 18 kg pack of our bedding "Leader's bed" covers an area of approximately 3 m².
Straw bedding, unlike wood bedding, can be used as a secondary raw material to fertilize fields, as the straw does not reduce the pH of soil, i.e. it does not increase the acidity that affects soil fertility.
Priority should be given to the materials that are easily biodegradable after use, and may be used as a secondary raw material - fertilizer.
Товары, похожие на Shredded straw for horse bedding LEADER'S BED
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«Shredded straw for horse bedding LEADER'S BED» можно найти в следующей категории: «Солома».
Предложение появилось на сайте 28.08.2013, дата последнего обновления - 22.11.2013.
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